(Joel’s Grandma is in the middle in white, Sono is on the right of her. Joel, Elena and I are on the far left hand side)
Life is such a mix of sorrow and happiness, aging and new birth, vibrant health and illness. In our lives right now we are experiencing that in a personal way. I am 18 weeks pregnant. A little (already kicking strong) life is growing and developing inside of me. We have been rejoicing in this new life and praying for this new baby and my pregnancy as I have had complications before in the past. I have also been pretty much bed ridden the last several months from bad morning sickness. (And if you hadn’t put two and two together yet, that’s why my blogging lately has been so sporadic! I didn’t know how many “buttered toast” recipes I could post on a cooking blog!)
But in the midst of my pregnancy, we found out several weeks ago that my dear mother-in-law, Sono, has stage four colon cancer. This is my “friend” who I was researching juicers for. While we have been trying to nourish with good food and pray for our little baby, we have also been trying to heal and praying for my mother-in-law’s life. We want our little baby to get the chance to meet her grandma and grow up knowing her.
She decided against going the conventional route (which could give her little hope at this point of a 100% recovery) and went the alternative health route. But it’s an aggressive cancer and is definitely holding it’s own. Last week she had a down turn, but she has since then started a new treatment which seems to have shown good results already. We are thankful for every day we have with her and thankful that this new treatment is giving us extra days and hope that it will continue to heal her so that she can have many, many days on this earth enjoying her children and her grandchildren.
We appreciate your thoughts and prayers for both my pregnancy and for Sono.
Meanwhile, I have started feeling better enough to start cooking again, and you will definitely see more recipes here at the Nourishing Gourmet. Because of Sono’s recent downturn, we decided to wait until next week to announce the full story of my ecourse (which will be starting at the end of this month) to give us a few extra days to finish up our to-do-list for it. I am really excited about the ecourse and feel like it’s going to be a great resource for my readers and a lot of fun to teach as well.
I am thankful for the continued support of my blog from all of you, my readers, and for the many friendships that have grown through my blog. Thank you!
Latest posts by KimiHarris (see all)
- 2 Ingredient Peppermint Bark - December 21, 2022
- Herbal Hibiscus Lemonade (Keto, THM) - March 16, 2022
- Creamy Curry Red Lentil Soup - December 8, 2021
Karen Baldwin
My prayers are with you all…
Jaime @ Like a Bubbling Brook
Praying for your precious baby, you, your family, and your mother-in-law. May God give all of you an extra dose of peace and strength during this difficult time.
I wish you and your family good health and a fast recovery.
I immediately was hoping it was you when I saw the Real Food Media tweet about a new baby! I am ecstatic for you and I will be praying for you and your baby. Gorgeous picture of your family. That sounds so limp in the face of what your mother-in-law is facing. May God give you all the strength to fight together and so I am sending healing thoughts your way.
P.S. Are you familiar with Kris Carr, who survived stage 4 cancer? Check it out: http://www.bellaonline.com/articles/art53643.asp and http://crazysexylife.com/
I have enjoyed your blog but didn’t realize that you were married to Greg and Sono’s son. Their name has been familiar to me since we started homeschooling in 1989.
I will be praying for Sono. And suggest reading the book The RAVE diet if you haven’t already. They’ve shown great results for cancer patients.
Praying for your family!
I heard about Sono’s illness through a homeschooling forum and am praying for her.
Congrats on your new baby … I can sympathize with the buttered toast diet and hope you’re able to enjoy food soon!
Mary Ann
I didn’t realize you were part of this family. We’ve known of Gregg and Sono and family since the mid 80s. Will pray for them!
Oh Kimberly – I had no idea you were the daughter in law of Gregg & Sono Harris. We’ve known of them from “almost” the beginning when we started homeschooling in 1985 and were one of 3 families in the whole state of Minnesota doing such. We certainly will be praying for Sono and that the Lord would grant His mercies of healing. And give each and everyone of you Grace for each day you face ahead.
Congrats on the new little life growing.
correction………that would have been 1981 when we started homeschooling.
Michele S
I’ve always admired the Harris family. Josh’s dating books are required reading at our house. We are reading “Do the hard things” in our home school. I listened to Gregg & Sono’s home school workshops earlier in my home school career. They were invaluable. I really admire what you are doing with your blog and e-course. I so wish I had discovered “real food” when my children were young. I’m trying to do a course correction for the 3 still at home and influence my older 3 as I can.
We are praying for Sono and your new little baby! I’ve always been told morning sickness is a good sign!
Oh, Kimi! I am so glad to know this now. I would be so happy to pray for you! Thank you for sharing this with us, and do not worry about blogging, we will be here when you get back, when you feel better enough to blog. God, Family and health comes first. Rest up! God Bless!!
Praying for you and Baby and healing for Sono.
Thank You for sharing. God’s blesssing on your beautiful family.
I will definitely be praying for your family. I am also 18 weeks pregnant so as I pray for our little one I will pray for yours as well. Sometime when life is a little less stressful I would love to hear about what you have been eating. It’s been much harder for me to eat nourishing foods than I thought being pregnant.
Pat Steer (Gaelen)
Kimi – the promise of new life is such a stong blessing and journey, and I wish that it be full of joy and wonder for your family. Your mother-in-law’s diagnosis of mCRC (metastatic colorectal cancer) is also a journey, but such a scary one – I’m a six-year mCRC survivor diagnosed in 2004. It’s a road I know far too well. I did conventional treatment, while controlling my carb intake and increasing my protein intake, which worked well for me, but I know what it’s like when treatments don’t have the planned results and how few of us are able to successfully approach long-term survival at stage IV. I’ve been in remission (my second) for 26 months now, but many of the people I was diagnosed with haven’t made it this far.
I know we’ve never met (and while I’ve read for awhile, I’ve never commented here before.) But I’m a peer counselor (buddy) for the national Colon Cancer Alliance (CCA). If there is any way that I can help – even if it’s only to listen – please don’t hesitate to contact me, or to share my contact information with your mother-in-law.
I am happy to hear of your pregnancy, but am sad to hear about Sono’s cancer. I pray for strength and courage and grace for all of you.
Michele @ Frugal Granola
I had suspected you were pregnant; I’m so excited for you! I will definitely be praying for you, Sono, & baby. Wow, what a season you are in.
Blessings to you, Kimi.
Laryssa @ Heaven In The Home
Praying for your sweet family. I have known of them every since my family started homeschooling in the late 1980’s. They have been such a blessing to us.
good news about the baby…..will pray for a healthy pregnancy. not so good news about sono…..will pray for healing and wisdom on how to overcome it. she is a beautiful lady in the picture!
Barbara J
Your family is in my prayers. I “grew up” with your in-laws via their books, so my heart especially goes out to Sono who was my mentor without having ever met her personally. I hope you will keep us posted and let her know how much she is in all our prayers.
I am definitely praying for you and your whole family!
Shirley @ gfe
All my thoughts and prayers are with you, Kimi. As a celiac/gluten intolerance support group leader, respectfully, I would ask that you look into a possible gluten connection regarding your complications with pregnancies. It’s definitely one of the signs of gluten issues, even sensitivity. I’d be happy to send you more info if you would like. If one has gluten issues, going gluten free could totally resolve symptoms/problems.
Many hopeful hugs,
We will be praying for Sono and this baby. Many blessings to you all during this time!
Sarah Bearden
Hi Kimi:
My thoughts and prayers to you and your family. Robert Crayhon is a very well-known nutritionist who is well connected with exceptional practitioners from all over the world. He was recently diagnosed with stage 4 colon cancer and he is writing a blog about his treatments with it. http://crayhoncoloncancer.blogspot.com/ You may want to check it out.
Kristi B.
Congratulations on your growing little one! I’m sorry to hear about your mother-in-law’s cancer. My prayers are with you and your family during this complicated and emotional time! I wish you all health and healing!
Hello Kimi,
Your family has a lot of thoughts and feelings to work through right now. Perhaps when things settle down in a few weeks, you or someone else in your family could study a bit into the healing properties of eating clay. I know it sounds strange, but it has proven beneficial to MANY people for centuries. We are, after all made up of the same minerals and other components found in clay. Bentonite Clay in liquid form and in powder form is sold in many health food stores. It is a super detox, soaking up inpurities in the body and then removing them along with the clay itself at elimination. In light of the Gulf Volcano currently upon us, it might interest you to know that Bentonite Clay has also been used to soak up many oil spills over the years as well. Perhaps Sono would be willing to give it a try after you have researched into it some. It is recommended to take Cacsara Sagrada for about a week prior to the start of eating clay. Also, many pregnant women crave clay during pregnancy. This is discussed in the book “The Clay Cure –Natural healing from the Earth written by Ran Knishinsky. Although it is a great book for introduction into this type of supplement, please sticky-note whatever pages leap out at you, as it does not have an index at the end. Wishing you and your family the best.
Kelly Holderby
Thank you for sharing this. My prayers are also with you and your family.
You & your family are in my thoughts & prayers.
Sending you love from Massachusetts!
Its nice to hear about the new baby and I’ll be praying everything goes well. I’ll leave you this link and hope it will be helpful.
http://www.cancertutor.com is a site that is packed with info on alternative cancer treatments.
They have a page on alternative treatments for colon cancer.
Heather @ Mommypotamus
I almost clicked away because I’m not good at finding the “right” words in circumstances such as this. All I can really say is that I have often wondered if I would have the courage to go the “wholistic” route if I ever faced cancer. I haven’t used medication in about a decade and choose to birth my children at home so it seems like an easy decision, but for some reason I wonder. I think your mother-in-law is very courageous and said a prayer for her right after I read your post.
Congratulations on your new baby. I am pregnant with my second as well (26 weeks) and although this pregnancy has not been without its challenges it is such a privilege to endure any difficulty that may come. Prayers for you, too.
Praying for you and your family.
Meg @ Cracking an Egg
Hi Kimi –
I was thinking it was about time for a sibling for Elena, and when you dropped off a bit blogging I was praying for you and your family – just in case! 🙂 Congratulations!
We are also keeping your mother-in-law in our prayers… Cancer is a fearsome beast, and we will pray for God’s mighty hand to be at work.
Cheryl Rector
Hello Kimi,
So happy to hear about the baby. Congratulations! My dad was also just diagnosed with Colon Cancer. I know it is none of my business, but if you get time, (and wouldn’t mind) could you email me the new treatment your mother-in-law is getting some results with? We just might need to know that, we’ve never been down this road before. Thanks so much!
Jenn AKA The Leftover Queen
My prayers are definitely with you and your family!
Praying for you and your family. I have/am homeschooling all six of my children since 1988. I am well aware of the Harris family.
God Bless you all.
Congratulations! Praying for your family immediate and extended.
Congratulations!! I will be praying for your baby and Sono.
Congratulations on your pregnancy. Sorry to hear about your mother-in-law. You might check out Doug Kaufmann’s website http://www.knowthecause.com. He believes cancer is a fungus and has a diet and recommended antifungal drugs and supplements that have helped numerous people overcome cancer and a multitude of other diseases. Also, Tullio Simoncini, a oncologist in Rome, Italy, has written a book titled “Cancer is a Fungus” and has a treatment using a very simple product. Dr. Mercola’s website has an informative interview video of Doug Kaufmann and Dr. Simoncini. You will have to use his Search to locate it.
I had to do a “double take” seeing the faces of Alex and Brett in your family photo. They are coming to Edmonton (2 hs from our home) on a Do Hard Things tour – in about a weeks time – and I’ve been trying to decide whether or not to take my two oldest children/reading their blog and information. I come from a big, homeschooling family (12 children) – our mom died of cancer 7 years ago so I undertand the pain of walking through something like this. I will pray for Sono and all of your family – and for your baby.
Thank you for sharing all your news- the good and not so good. I’ll keep you in our family’s prayers….
Congratulations on your pregnancy! I pray that it is blissfully uneventful from here on.
What devastating news about your mother-in-law, Sono. I had made the connection that you were related. I listened (in person) to her aeons ago, as she did a beautiful talk for homeschooling moms about being REAL – like the Velveteen Rabbit. We (moms) weren’t supposed to make the analogy that we’d get our noses loved off, and become shabby… but that’s what I remember best. And it has helped tremendously down through the years. She was so graceful and gracious. I wasn’t surprised to learn she was a dancer. I am so glad she has decided against chemo etc. My grandmother had chemo, and it didn’t do anything to her cancer. She was a woman of quiet joy and dignity, but with no hair, and no health, she said (of the chemo), “If I had known at the beginning what I know now, I wouldn’t have done it. I would rather have died.”
I pray that Sono is granted many more years of radiant health.
Shalom Kimi, congratulations on your family’s pregnancy as well as I am sorry to hear about your mother-in-law’s health situation. I know you and your family are strong in faith and continue to believe for total health restoration. This is a bitter-sweet time for you all. Here is a link for Dr. Christopher’s “Incurables Program” if you feel led to read up on it http://www.herballegacy.com/Incurables.html. May the Holy Spirit continue to lead you in His direction and may He give you all strength and courage in abundance.
My heartfelt wishes are with you and your family. Thank you so much for sharing your ongoing research and knowledge!
Bless you and your family. May the Spirit guide you and yours through these challenging times. May you find peace and sanctuary and the grace to accept and embrace what comes your way. Know that you are appreciated and loved.
Kedesh Simmons
Praise God for the precious new life growing in your womb! I rejoice with you and look forward to hearing more about it.
I will keep your dear mother-in-law in my prayers. From the children she has raised and her incredible husband, I can only gather that she is one awesome woman! May Jehovah Raphael, God our Healer, do a miraculous work in her body through His Spirit and healing foods, that she may have a testimony to tell of His faithfulness.
God be with you,
Kedesh, a sister in Christ in New Zealand
Prayers for strength during this time.
Soli @ I Believe in Butter
Prayers and may your ancestors watch over you all.
You should research a product called MMS. You can start at http://www.mmsmiracle.com or just google Jim Humble’s MMS. It has been shown to be effective against many cancers and may be worth a try. It is also very cost effective, so there is not a huge price tag.
Good luck in all your health endeavors.
emily- www.mplsrealfoodlover.com
congratulations on your new baby Kimi, that’s such wonderful news.
Congratulations on the pregnancy! It’s great that you’re feeling a bit better. I’m sorry to hear about your mother-in-law. From what you’ve written about her before and now she seems like an amazing woman. I’ll be sending positive thoughts your family’s way.