(Other posts in this series: Are you really eating a nutrient dense diet? The diet the cures cavities, How one mother cured her son’s cavity, and A success story: Remineraling teeth after bottle rot in a breastfed child. )
I was at a typical dentist office getting my teeth cleaned and checked for cavities. I had a young infant at the time, and was dealing with some health issues for the first time. Months of infections caused by an overabundance of milk (which I didn’t realize for three whole months) had left me tired and weak, and a tad bit emotional. Those months were some of the hardest of my life, so when they announced that I had three cavities, I soon had tears running down my face to their amazement. Just so you know, I am someone who does not cry in front of other people, and this really was completely out of the ordinary for me.
I had never had a single cavity growing up, and when I first read Dr. Price’s book Nutrition and Physical Degeneration, I realized that a healthy mouth can be a good sign of a healthy body. I was pleased that I hadn’t had any tooth decay yet. But now, here I was, feeling worse then I ever had before as my body was recovering from my infections as well as adjusting to waking in the middle of the night to nurse. I didn’t feel very good, and now I had tooth decay?! My body was falling apart, so I thought.
As the stunned dentist looked down at my tear filled eyes to see what the problem was, I said, “It’s just I haven’t been feeling well lately, and I know that tooth decay is just another sign of ill health.” He looked at me like I was crazy, and started a monologue about how it wasn’t related to my overall health, and that I shouldn’t cry because I had amazing teeth and he had way more fillings then I had. As he talked, I looked into his mouth and realized that his mouth was full of silver fillings.
As he drilled and filled my three cavities (all fairly small), I felt that he was a good person to go to fill a cavity, but was he really the best one to go to heal my teeth? I went home and tried to ramp up my diet, and put my embarrassing tear-filled appointment out of my mind. A couple of years later, I realized that my teeth were becoming sensitive to sweets, something that hadn’t happened before. I poked my fingernail at the part of my tooth that felt sensitive, and was stunned to feel it fit neatly into a small hole. That little poke hurt, too! I think my nail must have hit a nerve, as my tooth started throbbing….badly. Worried, I examined my other teeth and found several other sensitive spots, and one more small hole that I could fit my fingernail into. I was horrified. My one tooth hurt so bad that it even made it hard to sleep that night. I was in trouble and I knew it. Cure Tooth Decay: Heal and Prevent Cavities with Nutrition had just come out recently, and I ordered it right away. My most sensitive tooth that I found had a hole right below my filled cavity from when I got my fillings. I knew that filling my cavity had only been a temporary fix, so I really wanted to see if I could reverse this recent trend of cavities.
Besides which, our insurance doesn’t cover dental, and I knew that it cost $200 dollars per tooth filling. We really didn’t have the money for that. With renewed determination, I started making my plan of action for preventing future decay.
At the time, I was eating well, in the sense of eating whole grains, soaked, sprouted or fermented, homemade chicken stock made into soups, grass-fed butter, and a very low sugar diet. I was, however on a dairy-free diet, as I had found out a year or two earlier (after the crying dentist appointment) that my body didn’t do well with dairy. By this time, my body had healed enough that it was no longer reacting to dairy. After reading about how well it helped heal teeth, I decided to throw caution to the wind and start drinking raw cow’s milk again. And, because I wanted to heal my teeth, I drank probably a quart a day. I would make yummy “egg nog” almost everyday, too, with one raw egg yolk, vanilla extract, and stevia in my whole milk. I also made sure to get my cod liver oil every day along with pastured butter, ghee, or butter oil. I took it in three small doses with each meal of the day. I didn’t take out grains, let alone gluten, but did keep my diet low in fruits and sugars. I continued to make homemade stock and soups, and made sure to get seafood about once a week too (like clams, mussels, or salmon).
Within a couple of weeks, my teeth no longer felt sensitive when eating something sweet, like dried fruit. On a trip across the country, my sweet sister-in-law even helped me find raw milk and cheese so that I could continue my eating protocol. At that point, I was saying aloud to my family and myself, “I am trying to prevent future decay,” but only quietly, “I am trying to heal my cavities.” With Ramiel’s book only newly out, and Dr. Price’s research done so long ago, I felt like it was almost too good to be true that I could actually heal any decay that had already happened. It seemed crazy and I hadn’t heard of anybody who had actually healed a cavity other than in Ramiel’s book.
I was encouraged by my improved teeth pain, and actually was feeling more energetic as well! But when I went to my naturopath at that time, he, while exclaiming over my glowing appearance, felt concerned about my teeth and felt that I should get them checked out. A family member pointed out that while my teeth pain could have been reversed because of healing them, they also could have had the pain go away because they decayed so badly that I no longer could feel anything in my nerves there. Both pointed out that if it got really bad, I could be facing worse dental problems, like a root canal. It was good advice to have my teeth checked out. My husband’s uncle is a dentist, and he graciously agreed to do my dental work for free, and we had a free plane ticket, so I flew across country. I was pretty convinced I still had cavities, just because I didn’t think that I could have healed them in the time frame I was on my teeth building protocol.
However, once he checked my teeth, he told me that I was completely cavity free. I was shocked. Believing that it was impossible to heal cavities so quickly, I came to the conclusion that I must have never even had cavities and was so embarrassed that I had flown across country to see him. Yet another embarrassing dentist appointment, I thought.
But in the years that have followed, I have read more and more accounts of people healing their cavities through a similar diet, like Heather’s story, and Sarah’s, among many others. Slowly it dawned on me that I really did have all of the symptoms of new cavities forming (from a hole that I could stick my fingernail into, to the bad pain that kept me awake at night, to the sensitivity to any sugar or dried fruit). Now I think it is more than likely that I had truly healed formed cavities in a short amount of time (probably around 2 months time).
So that is my story. I certainly cured my tooth pain and sensitivity, and I highly suspect that I had true healing of some cavities as well.
(Disclaimer: Please research the topic of raw milk for yourself. I know that it is controversial and I understand the concern, even though it is rare to get sick from milk when farms use proper procedures. Also, I am not giving any medical or dental advice in this post, simply sharing my experience. 🙂 )
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It is both shocking and disgusting that doctors and dentists HAVE NOT had our best interests at heart… WHAT GOES AROUND COMES AROUND.
they do what they’re taught, and it is notoriously difficult for an authority figure to get people to change their diet, just for health. so most doctors think it isn’t worth trying to even if they DO know a bit about it.
By Raw Milk do you mean milk that isn’t pasteurized or do you mean Milk that isn’t boiled either.
Please Reply.
Raw milk means It hasn’t been heated. If you boil the milk, it’s no longer raw and won’t have the same healing power.
Mr White
While I can’t be 100% sure what the author means by ‘Raw Milk’, it is a term usually used to refer to unpasteurized unhomogenized milk, the boiling process you’re asking about is actually a form of pasteurization (http://www.milkfacts.info/Milk%20Processing/Heat%20Treatments%20and%20Pasteurization.htm).
Depending on the type of pasteurization performed on a sample of milk, the level of chemical deviation in the milk pre/post pasteurization might be negligible, but from a microorganism perspective it’s nothing like the same, which it turns out is the whole point of the pasteurization process, to kill (render inert) microorganisms.
I personally am a fan of raw milk, which is to say I believe the benefits outweigh the risks, not everyone agrees on this front and it’s a matter of some scientific debate as well (see research review on dangers vs benefits of pasteurized milk).
I also think it’s unfair to say the doctors and dentists don’t have our best interests at heart, I think it’s more accurate to say that a western view of medicine is extremely limited in scope, and doesn’t explore alternative solutions that may be beneficial. It’s unfair to then transpose a systematic failing of our medical and scientific research and verification process, onto an individual or group of individuals. People who in all likelihood are acting and advising us towards the best solution based on their current knowledge.
Raw milk is milk which is not Homogenized or Pastuerized.
One can still get Raw milk and boil it slightly and consume. While the former processes strips a lot of healthy stuff, boiling is limited on destruction
can you use raw yogurt as a alternative? i’ve seen that in supermarkets.
Hi kimi,
I was searching the web for natural ways to cure tooth cavities and came across your post. Nice to hear that you were not diagnosed with any cavities. just have a question you said you got three of your tooth s filled by the dentist .were they cured too ?
how many cod liver oil capsules did you take?
I AM SHOCKED AN IMPRESSED AT MY OWN NUTRITIONAL INTUITIVENESS AT SELF CARE AND HEALING WITH WHOLE MILK VIT E COD LIVER RAW CREAM AND RAW MILK(a few other things)-something about the fat helping the calcium maybe I dont know but if I miss a few days my teeth literally ache I have a calcium disorder from childhood but your program and my own intuition is leading me on the right healing path.Thank you
Alison Hasselquist
I’m sad to say I’m one that has had a root canal. I’m doing my very best to prevent more from happening. I’ve been dealing with heavy plaque and tartar and am really grateful to have found that xylitol gum is helping my teeth get clean. I went to the preliminaries for my hygienist appointment, but had to reschedule, due the school needing to reschedule. I’m getting it done at the college, hopefully. I’ve had really bad plaque and tartar along the gumline and on some back teeth and on the back of my front tooth. Bad enough to make me cry myself to sleep some nights! I suppose I should have gone straight away to get them cleaned, but I didn’t know what was going on and finances were tight. So, I began looking for natural treatments. I’ve come across black walnut tincture that really started helping. I’ve also come across bone broth and drink that. I have also seen the cod liver and have recently come across a connection with HCL. I am also sad to say I’ve got the mercury fillings which I’ve been reading about that. I’ve 2 of those, though, so hopefully no more silver. I can say I’m a bit prone to cavities, due to the condition called candida. I am finding a connection between candida and cavities. My diet wasn’t always very great growing up, but I’m changing that. By chewing the xylitol gum my lips are feeling much more most and I’m definitely feeling a cleaning on my teeth.I’m even feeling straighter again. I don’t know how a person goes through childhood without any fillings. Perhaps you just don’t remember them or know about them. I had a baby tooth pulled and I didn’t know it until just recently. Now I have my wisdom teeth in full swing! It makes sense that someone would tell you the infection might be worse if pain has subsided! But, it’s encouraging to know that they were healed! I wish dentist would tell us how to heal instead of drilling us. But, that is not what they are talk. However, now we know. Here’s to no more future root canals.
For plaque, get yourself a jar of activated charcoal and brush your teeth with it. You will be able to rinse the black coloring off easily so don’t worry about having black teeth. It removes plaque with one brushing. I spotted some the other day on my front teeth and brushed it right away with activated charcoal powder. You can find it in most health food stores at least in capsule form. Good stuff for a lot of ailments. Your teeth will feel nice and clean and it even whitens them too.
Alison Hasselquist
Also, make your own calcium powder with grass fed chicken eggs! Great trick!
Hello Kimi, greetings from India,
All my wisdom and molar teeth are full of cavities. I know it’s shocking and scary..but I was wrongly diagnosed of cavities when I was only 4 or 5 years old. I say wrongly because those were not cavities in the real sense of the term..and in fact they could have been healed. So my dentist grilled all of them and put silver fillings. So now at 32 years my fillings have all fallen off and all that is left are huge craters!! They were not painful though. But last week all hell fell on me when one of them started giving me sleepless nights!! It was not only painful but too sensitive too that it pained even when I opened my mouth and the cool or the hot air touched it. But this time I am adamant that I will visit the dentist only if I am at death’s door!! So I started doing oil pulling with sesame oil. Plus have also started taking milk though I am lactose intolerant. I cannot stop grains. I am planning to go on with my usual diet but add milk, yoghurt and cheese in my diet. Please suggest what else can i do. I don’t want to go to the dentist. Please tell me if I should include ghee in my diet too. And also please elaborate as to how you consumed cod liver oil with butter or ghee. In my country we get pure cod liver oil capsules and syrup..seven seas brand. Please help I am still in a lot of pain. But I have faith that my teeth will heal even without a dentist and that I am very positive about it. Kimi, your story is so encouraging!!
M also going through a lot of emotional turbulance right now..so sorry for the lengthy comment.
Waiting eagerly to hear from you.
Cod liver oil caps are good.
Have atleast 2-3 teaspoons of Ghee
Oil pull daily 10-15 minutes.
Stop sugars in any form.
Visit a dentist please and have the problem tooth pulled out, those Silver amalgam fillings are dangerously toxic. Don’t bother about small cavities and all.
shine a red LED light in your mouth. i do that and cavity’s heal right up!
I know what your thinking, did i read that right? i believe they call it light therapy. And i use a LED light that they use for hung around a dogs neck! but i use it for my teeth!
I believe the little red light was meant to give your dogs location away at night when he’s out pooping and stuff.
Has anyone had this level of healing occur with pasteurized milk? I am willing to drive the long distance to get raw milk.. it’s just very very inconvenient for me (yes I know- not as inconvenient as tooth loss, lol).
Is it not illegal in the US to sell Raw milk
That’s not true, in many states it is illegal. I have to drive across state borders in order to purchase mine.
I too have changed my diet and now include a cup of bone broth daily, and my hair skin, nails look amazing. And most important, my teeth are cavity free and I feel fantastic. It is such a hassle for me to get raw milk, so I just include lots of organic yoghurt and organic unhomogenised milk. Hope this is a help to others. 🙂
Hi. Last night i got a really bad toothache. Ive had 4 cavity teeth and had them filled once. The filling has come off. Thats what the dentist told me when i had last visited. Jus wanted to ask if the teeth u got filled also got cured? Cos i read in another post saying that the ones filled wont react to this. What was ur personal experience?
Try cleaning your teeth with Diatomaceous Earth. It does need to be FOOD GRADE fit for human consumption . Readily and cheaply available to buy online. I clean my teeth with it and drink to glasses of water with one tablespoon of DE in it each time. There are many benefits of using DE.
Also read up on OIL PULLING. This too will help teeth and gums and also clear the gum line of tartar eventually.
have you heard of Zeolite?? i know your comment 2 years old but still. I’ll ask.
it sounds promising from what i hear.
Sue Dot
Hello, I have found magnesium capsules good for my teeth. They feel firmer in their sockets and the enamel seems thicker than previously. Citrate and glycinate are good sources and also have a calming effect.
For the record: it doesn’t have be raw. Yeah I know, I blasphemed right? Well I have four sons two of which are huge milk drinkers, while the other two, not so much; they were both lactose intolerant as babies. Neither of the milk drinkers have any dental problems and don’t do much different than their brothers. The two who aren’t big milk drinkers had issues with cavities in their baby teeth. It’s the protein, calcium, and vitamin D.
I have noticed and curing tooth decay that it appears to look worse before it is better. Have you noticed the same? I can’t find anything to back this clean up. My Siri isn’t pushes the cavity out so it looks worse before better. If you have any additional information please share with me. If you would like evidence you can follow me on Twitter I can send a photo of the proof and as soon as I have new x-rays I’m hoping to create a blog to share the proof. And when Tom I can be found @jenyoungmtntop on Twitter. The photo is just amazing.
I simply can’t do cow dairy, sadly- do you think that raw goat milk would have the same effect?
Melinda Pollard
I love this! I actually had 2 fillings fall out and now have those spots that are big enough to put my nail into. Did those spots on your teeth, the holes fill back in or did you have to get new fillings?
Hi Melinda,
I don’t think it’s possible for holes to fill back in. I would get checked out by a holistic dentist.
If the holes didn’t fill in why did the dentist say you didn’t have any cavities?
P.S. I hope any reply will go to my email. Do you know if that’s the case?
I’m sure any hole can be filled otherwise we wouldn’t hear stories of people losing their fillings in the 1st place. they just need to keep on with their diet to achieve full results.
Is it not possible? I though teeth could heal in the right environment, I wonder what makes a drilled hole different to a cavity hole? if that makes sense. Would love to hear if people have healed this type of hole
you should read what happens when people go through the gerson diet they regrow teeth all the time!
Yep, once in a blue moon, very elderly people regrow teeth that fell out earlier in their lives – for whatever reason probably unrelated to their diet – but it is impossible to grow new dentine on the existing tooth. Tooth enamel isn’t live tissue, that’s why babies have to lose their small teeth to grow larger ones.
Hello! I think I left a message here a bit back but don’t see it here. I’d like to know if you were able to heal the spots you could fit your fingernail in to? If so, I’d love to hear how!
Now I see it’s awaiting moderation. Sorry to comment twice.
Wow!! I am so happy for you and i believe you because i also experienced what you experienced . You should look out with whole grains because they contain phytic acid . White is suppose to be better. I hate bread anyway only eat white quarter of slice every day toasted. Phytic acid makes sure that minerals don’t work or something . Honestly in the past ive ate everything no restrictions. Ive never liked sweets and bread though. After 3 years smoking half pack of cigarettes cavities started in wisdom teeth. 1 i took out . 2 cavities are now in upper and lower wisdom(well more like a scratch then a real hole). So ive stopped smoking , took the cod liver/raw fermented butter capsule . Started oil pulling with coconut organic virgin , stopped salty junk pure for healing. I eat a lot of mushrooms, peas(lower in phytic acid), smoked salmon , butter, eggs, milk,cream(obsessed for years with those anyways). Ive also stopped completely with fluoride and use a natural paste that contains mhyrr (fights decay)and chamolile(fights pain). The funny thing is ive only brushed 1 time a day les then 30 seonds with fluoride never had a problem because fluoride is suppose to work after 1 or 2 minutes.1 time in my life ive brushed for 2 minutes 1 month long because i wanted to stay cavity free and thought god had mercy for years not brushing properly with fluoride. Guess what after 1 month i had 1 cavity in my wisdom which after 2 years i need to take out . So to end the story, avoid chemicals, sugars and a lot of untoasted and whole grain bread i guess. Thank you for sharing your experience . I hope my cavities will go away 100 %. After 2 weeks like mentioned above the brown became light brown and looks like faded away especially in the lower wisdom teeth. So yes people it works! Greetings from Holland, JJ
since you’re from Holland did you hear the story of that Dutchman who grew 2 teeth in 2 months? he made a YouTube video about it. it must been 3 years ago?? from memory he stopped eating sugar and softdrinks and maybe anything wheat?
sounds like a liberal version of the gerson diet if you ask me.
I only wish i saved the video or remembered more of his story ;(
Jasmine Burns
There was a study done on this in the early 1900s. For people wondering: it needs to be RAW MILK.
I have 2 small cavities that need fillings, one on upper back molar and one between front teeth, which I can see myself. I told the dentist that if the cavities are small, they can repair themselves. But he said that the cavities were at the stage where they couldn’t be repaired, I think the cavities have passed through the dentin. He said that If I leave them untreated, the cavities can get worse, and I may need a root canal later. Still, I didn’t let him fill them, because I’ve done lots of research in the past and read stories about people who managed to heal cavities with nutrition, so I wanted to try it first to see if it really works, before I go in to these fillings. I think I know the recipe to how to heal cavities, and what I’ve done is that I’ve cut out all sugars and grains, also nuts and coffee. I try to increase the intake of vitamins and minerals through diet and supplements, especially vitamin D, K2, Calcium magnesium and phosphorus. Now my diet only consists of eggs, vegetables, fruits, salmon, meats and organs. I try to consume raw milk everyday, and I also use organic, low pasteurized, unhomogenised butter or olive oil for cooking. I do oil pulling every morning, take fermented cod liver oil X factor butter oil, and vitamin d3 5000 UI everyday. I brush with homemade toothpaste with coconut oil, baking soda, magnesium powder, xylitol and peppermint oil twice a day.
I’m now on the second week of my protocol. I’ll give it 2-3 months, but if I don’t see any improvements after that, I’ll just go for the fillings! :/
Deina, it’s now June how did you go with your teeth ?