Merry Christmas to everyone! We are quickly drawing near to the 25th and if you are like me, there are still some last minute things to get done. It’s a fun and busy time of year. Meanwhile, here is another Q & A video for you.
I would love to have everyone’s comments on this great question from Kelly as well. Here it is.
” My husband is a “meat & potatoes” kind of guy and could really care less about eating organic or “nourishing” meals. He doesn’t mind if I make them (providing it doesn’t change the grocery budget), but he doesn’t really want to change the way he eats. Any good suggestions or recipes that fall into both the comforting “meat & potatoes” and “nourishing” catagories? He is just not into beans (too bad for me…the fugual aspect alone is enough for me!) or other grains. He wants food that still looks completely “normal” to him.”
Oh, and by the way, some people think that I am a little younger than I really am. So if my voice and face make me seem like I am 16, don’t believe it. I don’t think my voice has changed one bit since I was 12!