Don’t forget that we have our Simple and Nourishing Carnival this week on Thursday! I can’t wait to see what you all have in store for it. Later today or tomorrow I will post the carnival guidelines.
I have a confession to make. I don’t have a green thumb, I have a black thumb- a thumb that seems to bring death to little green growing things. I have had terrible luck with gardening so far, including having rabbits come and eat every little bit of my growing garden. But there has been one delicious herb that even I have kept alive. And I am so glad because we love this herb’s flavor!
Lovage is a very flavorful herb that is a relative of celery. You can see in the picture how the herb’s leafs look similar to celery leafs. It pairs very well in soups and bean dishes, and I am sure in a myriad of other dishes as well. I have a hard time trying to explain it’s flavor. It seems familiar, yet different. Some people describe it as tangy. Regardless, it is full of favor! You will have to try it yourself to see what you think.