The new year gives us a good opportunity to shake off the past, and look to the future; really thinking about what we want and how to plan for that. And that’s true for planning how we want to eat too! Without revisiting our current eating habits, and re-planning and re-figuring how I do things, our food quality goes down. I am a firm believer in taking time to sit down and write a plan.
It’s been such a year. A year which I nearly ended with a record time away from this blog, which was completely unplanned. Between Christmas and the flu, let’s just say my plans were a little changed! So, even this last week shows how changeable plans are. Yet, plans (especially when done after thinking through priorities, and what is important to you) are so vital to make, even if they morph with time.
Without planning, I certainly would have very little to show for the last 5 years of my life. Without planning, my family certainly doesn’t eat as well, my house doesn’t get cleaned as well, my writing doesn’t happen when it should, and a million other details are often neglected. I need plans – especially flexible, changeable ones. (Oh motherhood, you make us so flexible!).
But there are some pitfalls to making “resolutions” too. There is the failure pitfall. If you make some sort of resolution such as, “I am never going to eat refined sugar ever again!” and then fail once, you could get discouraged and go back to eating lots of it. You should plan for not being perfect, and be willing to make positive changes even when you aren’t fulfilling those changes perfectly.
Then there is the overachiever pitfall. That’s the person who makes resolutions a mile long, hits the ground running, and wears down in record time. Reachable, doable goals are a must (even if we don’t sound so grand when making them!).
Then, there is the pitfall of making unbalanced goals. This would be a person who makes such big goals in one area of their life, that other areas in their life are badly neglected.
These are the type of pitfalls that I am thinking about and considering as I make up my own list. I will be posting my goals later today or tomorrow.
But meanwhile, I wanted to get this carnival started. Please, share your goals, plans, “resolutions” for the new year in the comment section or using the Mr. Linky. I’d love to hear from you! I’d also love to hear your tips and success stories when making resolutions!
I am leaving this carnival open for the next few weeks, so feel free to join in as you have the chance!
Latest posts by KimiHarris (see all)
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Faithfulness is my watchword for 2013. I know what I need to do, and need to do it. Simple perhaps, but important.
So good and so true. Thanks for sharing!
Trying to eat more health-fully is my resolution for 2013 and stepping out of a few comfort zones I tend to place myself in 🙂 I am looking forward to reading about your challenge. Happy New Year!
Happy New Year to you too!
I got a copy of Ladled for Christmas, and I wanted to tell you how wonderful it is. I have put upwards of 50 (!) sticky notes on the pages of recipes or taste combinations I want to try. My Dad, who gave me the book, said while looking at the stickies: It looks like you found a recipe or two to try. 🙂
My husband is silently thanking you because he does not have to eat any more french onion soup for awhile!! We had the roasted tomato and bread soup tonight and it was AMAZING! I can’t wait to serve it to guests, and to my parents.
Anyway, to your question, one of my goals was to try one new soup a week for the next few months.
Thanks for the great book, and peace to you and yours in the new year.
<3 Sarah
Your words were one of the sweetest about my book! Thank you! That is very encouraging to me. 🙂
Hannah Healy @ Healy Real Food Vegetarian
One of my resolutions this year is to make more fermented food! I shared my ‘favorite things’ article which features some resolutions.
Barb @ Frugal Local Kitchen
I decided to focus again on the changes I wanted to make during the October Unprocessed Challenge. Life is always going to be busy with 5 kids so if I keep working away at the changes in baby steps, eventually I’ll get where I want to go.
Dina-Marie @ Cultured Palate
Happy New Year Kimi!
I plan to keep on keepin’ on with my family life and goals of sticking to the GAPS diet for myself and a traditional real food diet for the family. Prioritizing time is always a struggle!
I always appreciate your efforts to keep life in balance. As many changes as I would like to make in my life, I know none of them would stick if I tried to make them all at once! One at a time, balanced out with ordinary real life, is much more manageable.
Loriel @ Healthy Roots, Happy Soul
Hi, hope you are having a great day! I wrote about a criminal that may be lurking in our households but because the criminal is so sweet and so innocent, we may not even know it’s a criminal.
Check out who the criminal is here:
It’s all about the planning!
I added my link twice in error. Sorry!
anastasia @ eco-babyz
I have no resolutions, but a few goals that I want to work toward. The process matters to me, not the end result. I want to live in the moment more and worry less 🙂
I posted my goals but I also chose the word “thrive” for the new year. Looking forward to seeing how God uses it in my life!
Rachael @ Gratefully Nourished
Thanks for hosting the nourishing resolutions carnival again. I am happy to finally focus on this year!