“I don’t think I’ll ever grow old and say, “What was I thinking eating all those fruits and vegetables?”
― Nancy S. Mure, Eat! Empower. Adjust. Triumph!
I’m so excited that you decided to join The 10 Day Email Vegetable Challenge! If you haven’t already, head over to my post talking about the books and research that inspired this challenge.
Why the challenge? I love the accountability and inspiration being part of a challenge gives, and I hope you do too! I will be sharing short emails with you each and every day of the 10-day challenge sharing recipes, info, resources, and answering questions.
Meanwhile, here are four inspiring and informative resources for you (Amazon links are affiliate).
- In this intro to Dr. Wahls and her work, I have embedded her TEDx talk about how she reversed her Multiple Sclerosis using dietary changes (including lots of vegetables). I consider it a must watch!
- The Paleo Mom gives a short informative overview of some of the vital nutrients we get from getting a wide variety of vegetables.
- The Wahls Protocol: A Radical New Way to Treat All Chronic Autoimmune Conditions Using Paleo Principle – One of the big influences of this challenge!
- The Mood Cure: The Four Step Program to take Charge of Your Emotions – Another protocol that leans heavily on daily large amounts of vegetables that has had good results for many. So inspiring!
I’m looking forward to doing the challenge with you all. Thanks for joining!
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I love beautiful and simple food that is nourishing to the body and the soul. I wrote Fresh: Nourishing Salads for All Seasons and Ladled: Nourishing Soups for All Seasons as another outlet of sharing this love of mine. I also love sharing practical tips on how to make a real food diet work on a real life budget. Find me online elsewhere by clicking on the icons below!
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